Permanently transport your favorite photo or creation onto license plate. The license plate is made of sturdy aluminum with a white facing. This is not a cheap plastic plate. This license plate measures 12″ x 6″ and fits the fitting for all automobiles in use in the US.
Uploaded Images must be in ready to print format. We do not adjust the image or enhance the quality of the image. For best result use the highest resolution image possible when uploading your own graphic. If you need any assistance, feel free to contact us.
Your image will be positioned such that the shortest side of the image spans the item. This would mean that images that aren’t already sized to the product, will experience cropping on the longest side. Images will be positioned to highlight people in the photo.
Unlike other online retailers that use a third party, we design, print, inspect and ship our own products so you can be sure to get the finest quality print available.
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