Direct to Film Heat Transfers
Rather than printing to a shirt, we can print to a special film that you can then apply to your own fabric using a heat press. These are designed for those that want to use their own fabric (including polyester) or resellers. Buy by the dozen for big savings.
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- Gone Galt Direct to Film (DTF) Heat Transfer A-49Rather than printing to a shirt, we can print to a special film that you can then apply to your own fabric using a heat press. These are designed for those that want to use their own fabric ...$2.99
- Let us Never Forget US Constitution Direct to Film (DTF) Heat Transfer U-129Rather than printing to a shirt, we can print to a special film that you can then apply to your own fabric using a heat press. These are designed for those that want to use their own fabric ...$2.99
- Born Male Still Male Direct to Film (DTF) Heat Transfer W-226Rather than printing to a shirt, we can print to a special film that you can then apply to your own fabric using a heat press. These are designed for those that want to use their own fabric ...$2.99
- Born Female Still Female Direct to Film (DTF) Heat Transfer W-17Rather than printing to a shirt, we can print to a special film that you can then apply to your own fabric using a heat press. These are designed for those that want to use their own fabric ...$2.99
- Think - It's Not Illegal Yet Direct to Film (DTF) Heat Transfer S-190Rather than printing to a shirt, we can print to a special film that you can then apply to your own fabric using a heat press. These are designed for those that want to use their own fabric ...$2.99
- Let Freedom Roll US and Canada Freedom Convoy Protest Shirt Direct to Film (DTF) Heat Transfer P-489Rather than printing to a shirt, we can print to a special film that you can then apply to your own fabric using a heat press. These are designed for those that want to use their own fabric ...$2.99
- They Who Can Give Up Essential Liberty To Obtain A Little Temporary Safety Deserve Neither Liberty Nor Safety ~ Benjamin Franklin Quote Shirt Direct to Film (DTF) Heat Transfer Q-488Rather than printing to a shirt, we can print to a special film that you can then apply to your own fabric using a heat press. These are designed for those that want to use their own fabric ...$2.99
- All Faster Than Dialing 911 Shirt Direct to Film (DTF) Heat Transfer N-490Rather than printing to a shirt, we can print to a special film that you can then apply to your own fabric using a heat press. These are designed for those that want to use their own fabric ...$2.99
- We Don't Need More Gun Control, We Need More Idiot Control - John Kennedy Quote Shirt Direct to Film (DTF) Heat Transfer Q-491Rather than printing to a shirt, we can print to a special film that you can then apply to your own fabric using a heat press. These are designed for those that want to use their own fabric ...$2.99
- Wealth is the product of a man's capacity to think - Francis D'Anconio Quote Shirt Direct to Film (DTF) Heat Transfer A-492Rather than printing to a shirt, we can print to a special film that you can then apply to your own fabric using a heat press. These are designed for those that want to use their own fabric ...$2.99